Sunday, October 22, 2006

The stupidest (drunkest) thing I hope to ever do in Korea (part 1)

So, last Saturday night I was excited, since I just signed the new contract the night before, and wanted to stay out as long as I could handle. Saturday was a field day with work, so the drinking commenced around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. It was quite a bender. I had drinks until about 4am with the lads, then the lads either went to bed or ditched me for random bar hookups. So, around 5 or so I called up some other friends. Then, I hopped on a taxi and met other friends at this gay bar - on "homo hill," adjacent to "hooker hill" - and had a couple more long islands there. Around, I dunno, 7 or so these friends were eventually pooped out, so we trucked toward home. They caught a cab, and I was on my way toward the subway (they start running again at 5am). On my way back, stumbling homeward by myself in the sketchiest part of town - the foreigner district, which is where the military men hang out; luckily they have a 1am curfew - I was approached by this attractive Korean chick who asked if I wanted to grab another drink or two. I figured, even at my drunkest, that it was a bit sketchy, but I’d already spent a good bit of dough for a belly full of booze, and wasn’t quite tired yet. So, I go inside. The details are a bit fuzzy after this, but next thing I know, we’re in this private karaoke kinda room, with some music playing and we were taking turns singing - though I couldn’t tell you what we sang. And, there’s a bottle of wine on ice with two glasses.

Anyway, next thing I remember, the barstaff asks me for my credit card. I was low on cash, and not really thinking with a clear head, so I handed that shit over - which I immediately regretted. Next thing I know, I find myself asking "um, so what exactly am I paying for?" "You are meaning what?" "Well, uh, so... there’s no polite way to say this...." Even at my drunkest, I’m not too comfortable with quasi-prostitution, or whatever the arrangement was. And sexual contact with people I can’t really understand or don’t really know isn’t really my thing, either. I’m not too much into Cartesian womanizing - the mind/body split - unless it’s with an axe. We all pay for sex indirectly - dinner, booze, etc - but to be in as direct a way is a little... gross. Anyway, my next memory is getting charged 265,000 won for the bottle of booze. Keep reading to see what that translates to. I was so drunk, I’m not really sure how it tasted. A little desserty, I think. Kinda sweet and too syrupy from what I remember. At any rate, I was so sketched out, but even at my drunkest I’m not as creepy as I sometimes fear I am (way to go, Mark), that I bolted before the bottle was even finished.

But, whateverthefuck. It’s the equivalent of a couple day’s hard work, sure. And, sure, I could’ve lived on that shit for a week whilst homeless. But, it’s as easy to shrug shit like that off as it will ever be in my life. Que sera sera and so on. And, you gotta pamper yourself every now and then, I guess, although hopefully not in AS frivolous a way next time: even if I could’ve gotten drunk, plus a rub and tug (new favorite phrase), for a quarter the price or so. I was at least smart enough to ask for a receipt, and I was pleased with myself when I found that relic in my pocket the next day. So, if they tried to dick me over and charge me even more than they did, I should be ok. The receipt is also a good addition for the scrapbook. I didn’t contest that shit, because I wasn’t really in a position - mentally, physically, linguistically - to negotiate. And you never know who knows Taekwondo, a Korean invention, here.

Come to find out, the establishment is something called a "flirt bar," where Korean - and especially American military - men pay for the companionship of ladyfolk. It’s kinda escort-esque, and apparently sexual favors are part of the game.

A couple days later, at four in the morning, my mom called me. She said that the credit card fraud department was looking for me. So, I called my bank in the middle of the night. They were concerned because I had "bar/nightclub" expenses that were "out of (my) typical spending habits." Apparently, $277 and change was put on my credit card, from some place called the, giggle, Cream Color Bar. Later on, my mom asked if I went to a strip club. I of course told her that if I were planning on going to a strip club then I would’ve at least been smart enough to take out some cash in advance. So, I just told her the truth, kinda.


Blogger Toppatwo said...

Ahh…I was disappointed! I was just sure that the pretty lady who took you to the bar was going to end out not being a lady at all. If you’d stayed at the gay bar you could have gotten a rub and tug for nothing! You put away your apology to the maintenance guy too soon. I have some friends who would have really gotten a chuckle out of that. I used to be a telephone install/repair guy and the occasional dude would open the door in the morning forgetting that his soldier was ripping away at the PJs for some R&R. Put away the red face. I’ll bet you made his day!

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truths Kinda and Truths Proper

Truth Kinda: You paid an exhorbiatant fee for a sweet alcoholic beverage.

Truth Proper: You paid exhorbitant fee for a tub and rug.

Truth Kinda: You maintained your principle of not paying directly for sexual acts.

Truth Proper: You paid for a rub and tub without getting one.

Cheers! I love how far you can get with the vulnerability/foreigner-speak combo.

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I would have loved to hear you telling that story to your mom . . .

2:20 AM  
Blogger Mark Hernandef said...

PZ, Val: Truths kinda when talking to the madre: just blame everything on the whitey tax. Also, pretend that you weren't there alone, and invent a buddy you were there with. While she didn't terribly enjoy the anecdote, it helps to have a mom who wouldn't really hear anything but the price of the bottle: "Ma, I paid $250 for a bottle of wine, severed my foot, enlisted in the military. Oh, and it turns out that time I put my balls in the microwave didn't do as much damage as I thought. You're about to be a grandmother." "I've never paid more than $15 for a bottle of wine, and I consider that the 'good stuff'."

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that was hilarious and way too true.

3:13 AM  

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